The demand for bikini laser hair removal is rising rapidly, especially during the beach season. Laser hair removal is no doubt a great way to get rid of unwanted facial and body hair. It brings long-term results and makes the skin soft and smooth. However, is it suitable for sensitive areas like bikini lines? Is bikini laser hair removal safe? There are a few important factors that you should know before undergoing laser hair removal in Agra, India, or elsewhere.
In order to get satisfactory laser hair removal results, visit a clinic where expert cosmetologists take the best care of the entire process. Choose a clinic that is also technologically advanced and uses both diode and Nd:YAG technologies to ensure optimal results for the patients.
Things You Must Know About Bikini Laser Hair Removal
Bikini hair removal is no longer a hassle. You can ditch all old methods like razors, waxing, shaving, etc. Traditional methods often bring side effects like irritation, ingrown hairs, redness, and bumps. If done by expert and experienced cosmetologists, laser hair reduction is safe and can bring long-term benefits.
1. Bikini Laser Hair Removal Isn’t a One-Time Thing
It is a non-invasive procedure that concentrates light via an energy source. Then the light gets absorbed by the pigment present in the hair follicle. It can damage the hair follicles and prevent hair regrowth. In order to get satisfactory results, one may require more than one setting (4 to 6) to reduce hair by 60–80%. However, the result may vary from one person to another. The result depends on skin type, hormonal imbalance, the colour of hair and skin, and individual hair growth patterns.
There are four different phases in the hair growth cycle: anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen. Laser hair reduction is most effective for hair that is in the anagen, or growth phase. Not all hair is in the anagen phase at any given time; at one point in time, about 30% of the entire hair population could be in the anagen phase. Each laser hair reduction session can destroy only a fraction of the hair that is in the anagen phase. And that’s why multiple sessions are required to get the desired results.
2.Your Hair Growth May Not Stop Completely
Laser hair reduction works differently from person to person. The result of laser hair removal can also vary from one body part to another. Many people notice that after laser hair reduction treatment, hair growth has disappeared from their legs and arms, but they often experience very fine growth on their underarms, face, and bikini area. Fortunately, the hairs are barely visible in such cases. However, maintenance is important, and one may require top-up sessions once in a while.
3.Laser Hair Removal Isn’t Painful
Many people say that their laser hair removal procedure wasn’t painless; they felt much discomfort and pain. The pain or level of discomfort depends on the type of technology your chosen clinic is using for laser hair removal. At Saraswat Hospital, we use Zimmer air cooling technology to make laser hair removal for women and men virtually painless. We use this technology if the patient wants to get treatment from the Nd:YAG JOY laser. The only thing a patient can feel is a rubber band snapping or a little warm skin sensation. Based on the requirements of the patient, we also cool the skin further to keep the session comfortable. On the other hand, the new diode laser device comes with a cool tip, and no external cooling is required.
4.You Can’t Randomly Wax Between Sessions
Many people think that they will wax and get laser sessions alternatively to reduce hair growth, but this won’t work, and there is also a chance of severe side effects. Cosmetologists ask not to pluck or wax between laser sessions as it can disrupt the root of the hair follicles. In between sessions, you can shave. However, to do that, get permission from your cosmetologists first.
5.Lots of Precautions Are There
The patient must avoid waxing, plucking, or bleaching the hair for six weeks prior to treatment. You need to reserve the root and pigment of the hair to ensure the success of the procedure. After a laser hair reduction session, a patient might experience redness and swelling. You need to take the best care of the treatment area after laser hair removal. These are temporary side effects that will fade away within a few hours.
After two to three weeks of a laser hair reduction session, 10–20% of the treated hair may fall out. During the healing phase, you should take proper care of the treated area. You should not rub or scratch, and avoid hot showers, steam baths, and saunas. You should pause your swimming practises for a while, as chlorinated water can affect your laser-treated skin. Most importantly, keep the treatment area moist, apply sunscreen, and avoid direct sunlight exposure to prevent laser hair removal side effects. If you notice any signs of infection, like pus, tenderness, or fever, you should immediately connect with your cosmetologist.
These are the five most important things that you should know before undergoing a laser hair removal session. During the consultation, you should share your lifestyle, upcoming plans, etc. with the cosmetologist. It will help the doctor craft a perfect treatment plan based on your requirements and goals.
For successful laser hair removal in Agra, India, many people prefer to visit Saraswat Hospital. Here, they consult with Dr. Preeti Saraswat, an eminent clinical cosmetologist with years of experience. She is an associate Member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM). Patients can also meet Dr. Satya Saraswat, a Gold Medalist Plastic and Cosmetic surgeon. Both doctors are also members of the Indian Association of Cosmetic Laser Surgeons. In order to know more about bikini hair removal or bikini laser hair removal costs, call us at +919258386320 or +919690039999.
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