Blepharoplasty in India
The Meaning of Blepharoplasty (pronounced BLEF-uh-roe-plas-tee) is about the reconstruction of eyelids. It is a procedure to improve the appearance of the eye region. As we age, the eyelids begin to stretch, and the supporting muscles weaken. Over time, fat and excess skin accumulate above and below the eyelids, leading to sagging eyebrows, droopy upper lids, and eye bags. Blepharoplasty surgery can effectively address these concerns, restoring a more youthful appearance to the eyes.
Blepharoplasty Surgery is done by removing excess skin or by adding/removing fat from the eyelid area. As a popular method to enhance the appearance of the eyelids, Saraswat Hospital in Agra has emerged as one of the premier centres to conduct blepharoplasty in India.
Blepharoplasty Surgery is generally used to treat the following:
- Loose or sagging skin that creates disturbing folds in the upper eyelid, potentially impairing vision
- Fatty deposits which give a look of puffy eyelids
- Under-eye bags
- Drooping lower eyelids
- Excessive wrinkles on the lower eyelid
Steps of Blepharoplasty Surgery
Step 1: Anesthesia
The patient is administered either local or general anesthesia to ensure their comfort during the surgical process. The doctor shall choose the best option for you.
Step 2: Incision
The incision lines in blepharoplasty surgery are made in such a way that the resulting scars get concealed by the natural structuring of the eyelid region.
In upper blepharoplasty, a surgical incision is delicately placed within the eyelid’s natural crease. Subsequently, the surgeon is able to meticulously remove or reposition any surplus fat, strengthen the underlying muscles, and eliminate excess skin.
For lower blepharoplasty, the incision is made just below the lower lash line. The surgeon can remove the excess skin in the lower eyelid and remove or reposition the excess fat.
Sometimes, a transconjunctival incision is made on the inside of the lower eyelid. This technique allows for the removal or redistribution of excess fat without the need for any skin removal.
Step 3: Closing the incisions
Typically, the incisions created during blepharoplasty are secured using either sutures or a specialized skin adhesive. In the case of sutures, they are typically removed within a week of the procedure.
Step 4: See the results
During blepharoplasty recovery, swelling and blepharoplasty scars subside gradually, revealing a smoother and better-defined upper eyelid and the surrounding region. The surgery creates a more rejuvenated appearance for the patient.
When is blepharoplasty surgery useful to you? Is it painful?
Due to aging, the elasticity of the skin changes drastically. With time, bags might appear due to stressful or sad times in your life. The slight lowering of the eyelids can also be hereditary. In this case, Blepharoplasty Surgery can be useful at a younger age. Often, this procedure is done for aesthetic reasons, but baggy eyelids can also cause physical discomfort and lead to loss of sight or a constant feeling of tiredness in the eyes. It is not a painful journey. The surgeons will take the best care of you to make the entire journey free of discomfort.
Blepharoplasty can be performed both on the upper and lower eyelids. You will definitely benefit from correction of the upper eyelids if you suffer from baggy eyes, too-small eyes, impaired eyesight, or constantly tired eyes. Explore some Blepharoplasty Before and After images as they will help you understand this treatment’s effectiveness. Correction of the lower eyelids will surely help you if you experience loose skin under the eyes, bags under the eyes, or a tired appearance.