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What are the Necessary Precautions Before Laser Hair Removal?

Published on June 24, 2022 | 1653 views

Dos & Don’ts Before Laser Hair Removal

Are you absolutely exhausted with the traditional methods of hair removal? Do you feel there is more hassle than benefit in waxing and shaving? Well, then suppose it is time that you look at other avenues to eliminate your unwanted body hair. Go for a permanent hair removal procedure with the help of laser treatment. If you’re living in Agra and looking for a safe and advanced clinic, then Saraswat Hospital provides the best choice for laser hair removal in Agra.

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that targets a particular intended area to completely eliminate your body hair. It is a safe and painless technique to get rid of all the unwanted hair growth from every part of the body. It is applicable for your arms, underarms, legs, bikini line, face, upper lips, back, chest, and stomach.

Our body hair grows in three stages – anagen, catagen, and telogen. Anagen is the active hair growth phase. During a laser hair removal procedure, the intended skin of the area is exposed to high-power laser beams. This completely destroys all the hair follicles from deep within the skin’s surface, thus, stopping hair growth permanently. But the laser can only reach those hairs which are in the anagen phase, so, multiple sessions are required for flawless results. The settings on the laser machine are changed as per the patient’s skin tone and body hair density.

At Saraswat Hospital, we have AAAM-certified doctors and specialists who are supported by the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment. We offer the best treatment for laser hair removal in Agra.

What are the precautions needed before the procedure?

  • No waxing, threading, or plucking

As explained above, the laser hair removal procedure only works on hairs that are in active growth phase. Hence, it is advised to avoid treatments like waxing, threading and plucking from at least 4-6 weeks before your appointment. This is done to preserve the roots of your hair follicles, since the laser beams aim to target the hair roots for body hair elimination. If you do any waxing or plucking, then the laser will have nothing to aim for.

  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning

Long hours of sun exposure can lead to sun tan, skin discolouration, and sunburn. The settings on the laser machine are adjusted as per the patient’s skin tone and skin colour. Hence, a change in your skin tone may reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. This is why patients must keep out of the sun for 2-4 weeks prior to their appointment. Moreover, if a patient gets sunburn, then it may cause immense pain and blisters to undergo the procedure. Most likely, the laser appointment will get rescheduled to another date.

  • Say no to bleaching

Like tanning can alter the skin tone, applying bleach to your skin changes the hair pigment or colour of the hair root. This can confuse the settings of the laser machine and produce ineffective results. To avoid such a thing, patients must stop bleaching 6 weeks before their laser hair removal appointment. This will give enough time for your hair roots to go back to their natal pigment.

  • Shave the area

It is advised to shave the intended area 24 to 48 hours before the laser hair removal procedure. Shaving does not remove the hair root, but clears the skin surface of extra hair growth. This allows the laser machine to precisely target the pigment in each hair root hidden under the skin’s surface. It gives more efficiency.

  • Remove any creams or make-up

Before you go for your appointment, make sure you nicely wash up the intended area. Remove all make-up, creams, moisturisers, and body oils. Ensure your skin is completely clean before each session in order to achieve the best results.


Laser hair removal treatments are quick and efficient. Each session doesn’t last for more than 15 minutes and can be finished within a lunch break. But if you want to get the best result out of them, then you need to follow all said precautions.

For the best laser hair removal in Agra, get in touch with Saraswat Hospital.

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