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Top Questions to Ask Your Aesthetician before Laser Hair Removal

Published on May 24, 2021 | 1546 views

Laser Hair Removal Clinic in Agra

Over the years, people have chosen several techniques to get rid of unwanted hair from their bodies. This included hot or cold wax and razors, among other techniques, most of which offers temporary results and often caused side effects like burns or cuts. The one way you can get rid of the hair from your body, permanently, is by opting for laser hair removal. The process is not only effective but also is customized based on your skin and hair colour to ensure there are no repercussions in the long run. However, before undergoing the procedure, it is always advised that you ask your aesthetician some important questions about the same. Saraswat Hospital, in this instance, happens to be the best place for laser hair removal in Agra, run by international-board certified professionals.

When Should the Treatment be Started?

The answer to this depends on the requirements of the patient from the procedure. You might be someone who is headed for a holiday and is simply looking for a tiny touch-up so you can sport a bikini, or maybe you’re looking forward to a special occasion, and temporary solutions wouldn’t do the trick. Irrespective of the reasons, you need to speak to the specialist and only upon proper examination can the correct course of action, along with the treatment starting date be decided.

How Many Sessions are Required?

The laser hair removal procedure revolves around targeting follicles in their active growth stage with various wavelengths of light to destroy them completely. In the first few sessions, you can see an overall thinning of the hair, but only after you undergo a series of sessions can you see the best results. Every session is timed a few weeks apart from each other to ensure your surrounding skin gets time to heal before undergoing another session of laser treatment.

Will there be any Side Effects?

Laser hair removal is typically a low-risk treatment that doesn’t have any major side effects. However, whenever you visit a professional for the same, they would perform a patch test to see if there is a likelihood of reacting or not. The doctors would then, based on your skin tone, hair colour and texture, come up with a customized treatment plan for laser hair removal.

What Technology does the Hospital Use?

The technology used by the professionals differs from one hospital to the other when it comes to laser hair removal. In Agra, the experts at Saraswat Hospital use medical-grade FDA-approved Long Pulse Nd: YAG laser or diode laser for the procedure. The laser beam emitted from this device is of 1064nm of wavelength that gets absorbed in the melanin present in the hair follicle before increasing the temperature to around 70-degrees for destroying them permanently.

Will there be any Downtime Post Treatment?

You would have to, post-treatment; keep a check on the area. It might suffer from sensitivity for a few days given the high degree of laser energy used for the procedure, but it shouldn’t hamper your routine as such. You need to stay out of intense sunlight or perfumed products for around 48 hours to ensure your skin heals properly and there is no burning sensation. Talking to the after-care team of experts at the hospital you consulted can help a lot when it comes to dealing with post-treatment instructions.

Why Contact the Experts at Saraswat Hospital for the Treatment?

Saraswat Hospital is one of the most popular clinics run by international board-certified surgeons that offer the best laser hair removal treatment in Agra. The professionals have over 17 years of experience in the field, thereby ensuring the best results when it comes to such aesthetic or cosmetic surgeries.

As the Chief Clinical Cosmetologist of the hospital, Dr Preeti Saraswat is an MBBS with a Post Graduate Diploma degree in Clinical Cosmetology from the University of Greifswald, Germany. She has a lifetime membership of the Indian Association of Cosmetic Laser Surgeons and is also a member of the Indian Medical Association, ensuring that she stays updated with all the latest developments in the field to make her provide the best results to her patients.

Dr Satya Kumar Saraswat is an MBBS with MS, M.Ch, and DNB (Plastic Surgery) degrees to his credit. As a member of several international boards, Dr Saraswat has left his mark in the plastic surgery sector. He is known to specialize in various kinds of hair restoration surgeries and has also presented his take on a modified FUT technique at the 24th World Congress of ISHRS.

Conclusion: Laser hair removal is one of the most sought-after procedures opted by those who want to get rid of the unwanted hair on their body permanently. Saraswat Hospital happens to provide customized services in this regards based on the patient requirements. To know more on the subject or book an appointment with the experts, feel free to get in touch with the experts today.

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